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With the season well under way now its been very interesting the watch the
development of our FNF products. The prediction that Jelly fritz would keep
its good form going from the small still waters to the large reservoirs has
been accurate. So far this year FNF jelly has contributed to the winning of
two national competitions  and heavily featured in the top teams fishing
the Sportfish Championship. The winners have kept specific patterns close
the their chest however were kind enough to contact me regarding the successful use of FNF jelly blobs/FAB's/Boobies. I know several large club teams are currently going through a process of changing their blob boxes to jelly patterns. The preferred method has been to pull blobs on sunk lines early season, and as the buzzer hatches have got into full swing, use a jelly FAB and small buzzers washing line style. In the
summer months try the more sombre jelly colours. With pressure building on
already spooky fish they will be less likely to take the bright colours. Try a biscuit
style blob using the zest/biscuit combination.
Micro jelly has also been finding favour with anglers. Most people are
using it for booby bodies but I have seen it used for micro blobs and used
as a body in hoggs for the wild brown trout.
In the near future we will be releasing an exciting new strain of Jelly
fritz. Its currently with the research & development team however early indications are
encouraging. The new strain will not replace the already successful jelly
but will be another alternative to try. Watch out for its release in Total
Flyfisher (August issue) and our Facebook page (July).
In the longer term we are also working on a revolutionary fritz material
like nothing else out there. I managed to get a few hours testing the new
fritz on educated trout. The results blew away all the testers. We believe
its so different, fish that are blob shy were still coming to it. We are
keeping our cards close to our chest for now but I would predict early 2017
for launch once its gone through our testing process.

Hope you see you out there team,

Tight Lines,
